Milina Petrovic Milosevic
Company: Ergomed
Job title: Director, People Development and Engagement
Discover: Elevating Compliance Training with AI: Practical Strategies for Real Impact 12:00 pm
How can AI integration, just-in-time learning, and immersive training elevate compliance practices, making them more personalised, relevant, and impactful? Explore how AI tools can pinpoint compliance gaps and deliver tailored learning experiences How Ergomed are leveraging AI, just-in-time learning, and immersive techniques and transforming compliance training from not just a regulatory requirement but a driver of…Read more
day: Conference Day Two
Develop: What More Can We Discover on the Use of AI? 12:20 pm
Applying AI to big data in Life Sciences can help companies reshape business models, streamline biopharma manufacturing, and enhance everything from drug development to automating HR admin tasks. Question & Answer Session Facilitated by the ChairRead more
day: Conference Day Two