Tej Grewal

Company: Jazz Pharmaceuticals plc
Job title: Director, Talent Solutions
Discover: Transform Your Life Sciences TA Function into a Strategic Advisory Powerhouse 1:30 pm
Assess any gaps in your current talent acquisition capabilities and navigate how to bridge them Explore how to develop your TA team to become trusted strategic advisors, embedding them into decision-making and workforce planning Discover Jazz Pharmaceutical’s approach to strategic recruiting, which saw time-to-fill decrease by 15% in one year, and led to more than…Read more
day: Pre-Conference Focus Day
Develop: What More Can We Learn from HR Leaders Building Internal Talent Teams? 1:50 pm
Question & Answer Session Facilitated by the Chair In an industry where innovation and science are paramount, the recruitment of the right people into an organisations is both critical and, at times, underappreciated.Read more
day: Pre-Conference Focus Day