Elinora Pisanti

Elinora Pisanti

Company: Bristol Myers Squibb

Job title: Executive Human Resources


Panel Discussion: What is the Business Impact that HR Can Have When Leveraging AI? 11:40 am

How do we eliminate the GDPR and data security risks of using these programs?  Why are life science falling behind other industries in the adoption of AI? Read more

day: Focus Day Session 1

Panel Discussion: Enhancing Organisational Culture & Rethinking Hybrid Working in Dispersed Environments in Biopharma Organisations in 2024 10:20 am

How do we create a culture of fairness in hybrid working when scientists are in the lab and senior leadership stay home? Are what employee and business needs aligned with the same vision? Is the pre-covid world really a thing of the past? Is employee development being hindered due to lack of engagement?Read more

day: Day Two

Discover: Fostering Inclusivity & Well-being: Empowering Employee Benefit Programmes 12:00 pm

What more can we be doing to support employee’s facing challenges? Hear from the leaders for Menopausal support in the workplace and learn how to enhance inclusivity by supporting throughout all of life’s challenges including domestic violence. How Bristol-Myers Squibb has introduced training as well as medical support for those experiencing difficulties to enhance employee…Read more

day: Day Two

Develop: Continuing the Discussion on Why Wellness and Performance Management to Influence Excellence Have Become So Integral to Our Benefits Packages? 12:40 pm

Question & Answer Session Facilitated by the ChairRead more

day: Day Two

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